As you know im on a mission to encourage more artists to get their
work on the net,durban is packed with talent and the world needs to
hear it ,so i've came up with 9 tips to help us do just that,Let's Go
1. Register your band info to as many websites as
possible. This means post your biography, mp3s, videos, photos, etc.
to MySpace, Facebook,, Soundclick,
Reverbnation,YouTube,soundcloud,kasimp3,mp3twit,blogspot, etc. The
more sites you sign up for,the
better the chances you have of people coming across your music when searching
for your name.
2. Jump on new websites as soon as they launch. You'll never know how
big the website is gonna get plus you can always delete your account
on that website if you're not satisfied with it
3. Leave comments on blogs,forums and other social networking
communities.Use the same username,
email and website link for all of them. Leave actual feedback,not just
your links, which brings us
to the next big tip…
4.Don't spam groups,chat rooms, blogs,etc. By just
randomly posting links to your website you risk losing
credibility – but more
importantly, you are just going to come across as annoying and unprofessional.
5. Create a single avatar to use on all of your accounts. Use this
image on Facebook, MySpace,
Twitter, Gravatar, etc.
Companies spend millions of rands and years of research establishing brand
recognition, and strive to stay consistent with that
image. You should take their lead and do the same
– the more familiar people are with your image, the more likely they
are to spread the word and return
to your pages.
6. Stay humble. Ask for feedback, and appreciate it.
Follow up with feedback for
others. If you are posting your music to be reviewed,
be grateful to the reviewers, no matter how horrible
their comments may be. Nothing will turn people off of your music quicker than
having an attitude, or being defensive. If you act like everything is
done for the passion and love, potential fans will be less critical,
will relate to you more.unless you really are making kak music
lol,anyway Giving others feedback is a
good idea too, as it shows you aren't selfish and are
looking to help others too.Remember you're not a celeb yet,that buzz
will run out as soon as the heat you getting from that collabo track
you riding on dies down.
7. Constantly post new
music. Regularly rotate a few tracks out, so that the
same music isn't collecting dust on your pages. If
somebody notices that you have had the same five
songs on your page for a few months, they lose the incentive to keep coming
back. Remember, even if you have music that's old to you, 99.99% of
the internet hasn't heard it yet .wich brings us to the next tip
8.Add people on your facebook profile ,follow people on
twitter,instaGram,Myspace,Reverbnation can't meet new people
with out looking for them,only celebs wait for fans to come to
them,you're not a celeb, so you approach people, who knows in that 10
you approach a day mayb three will like your music and those are the
people you should focus on.
9 Collaborate regularly with other artists. An unfortunate aspect of
hip-hop music is that the sense of collaboration for the sake of fun
and music isn't as
strong as it should be,we have too many Celeb wannabes,people only
work with kats they know,that won't get you nowhere, you need to step
away from that mentality and work with as many other people
as possible (yes, that means for free sometimes), you are only helping
establish yourself as an open-minded and hard working musician. The
results may not be award-winning, but at the very least it's great