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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Why Mr Right Is Always Wrong

One of my friend's status went like this:
"Why Mr Right Is Always Wrong?"

And here's what i had to say ...oh! i might have added more crap for
the sake of blogging,enjoy ;)


The reason why Mr right is always wrong is that ladies have this dream
land idea of Mr right being a cute,hunky charming dude with swagg all
the time,well i have news for those ladies,you're wrong!

You see those "cute guys" you always get goose bumps for?.... Get your
breathe taken away for?... Got you talking cannibalism "wish you could
eat him up" and shit for? Well they get the same attention everywhere
they go and since they're humans,they bound to get tempted eventually.
Chris Rock said "It's hard for a man to turn
down sex … if they chase us,
we can't run that fast." and Boom! Your mr right just turned completely Wrong!


The Grass is
always greener
where the dogs are popping #RealShit

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